FPA Advocacy Day | Washington, D.C.
National Advocacy Days take financial planners to Washington, DC every year. FPA Advocacy Day is an important opportunity for FPA members and leaders to gather on “The Hill” to introduce federal policymakers to our association and profession while displaying FPA’s strength as THE association for all CFP® professionals and advocating for issues that are important to practitioners. Participating in this day empowers members to positively impact government officials at all levels.
FPA Advocacy in OHIO
State Advocacy Days help you connect with your local legislators and regulators to build important relationships that help influence the right people. FPA Advocacy seeks to advance and protect your profession by proactively seeking out those who vote on issues that affect your profession.
FPA NEO has been to Columbus 7 times!
Interested in getting more involved with FPA advocacy efforts? Contact Ken Paull, Advocacy Chair of FPA NEO.

Ohio Advocacy Day 2018
From left to right – Karen Nystrom (Director of Advocacy Financial Planning Association), Phil Ratcliff (Central Ohio), Ken Paull (Northeast Ohio), Sean Ballinger (Central Ohio), Pamela Sandy (Northeast Ohio and Past President, National FPA Board), Bryan Glancy (Northeast Ohio), Tony Jones (Central Ohio), and David Kuhr (Northeast Ohio)