Symposium Series Week 1: Partners in Planning: are Your Clients Prepared?

October 1, 2020

9:00 am - 10:15 am

Location: Zoom

Each Thursday morning during the month of October FPA NEO will be hosting a webinar as part of the Symposium Series 2020! We hope you will join us for all or some of the sessions!

Speaker: Shawn Britt, Nationwide

About the Session: Shawn will kick this off with a conversation regarding the need for Long Term Care (LTC) insurance and what client’s perceptions of LTC are most common.  She will then touch on the reality of LTC claims, followed by suggestions on how to most effectively have LTC conversations with our clients.  Shawn will also discuss funding options for LTC plans covering both programs and products including pros and cons of each approach.  She will wrap up the presentation with a few case studies.

About the speaker: Shawn Britt, CLU®, CLTC®, has been engaged in the life insurance and long-term care industry since 1995. She joined Nationwide in 2000 and has been a member of Nationwide’s advanced sales team since 2005. Shawn has been a major influence in the development and promotion of Nationwide’s suite of long-term care product solutions. Shawn is a frequently published author of white papers and articles on long-term care for Nationwide as well as the insurance industry. She has been widely published and interviewed regarding long-term care for numerous trade publications and nationwide media that include the CLTC Quarterly Digest, The National Underwriter, Financial Advisor, Center for Long-Term Care Reform, The Wall Street Journal, CBS New Money Watch, Market Watch Radio and LifeHealthPro. Shawn is a frequent presenter and key note speaker at numerous industry events and conferences including AALU and ILTCI. She has served on the Board of Advisors for CLTC and currently serves as a CLTC contributor. Shawn also served for several years as an adjunct professor at The Ohio State University and has been recognized as an alumnus of the month by the American College.

Continuing Education – FPA NEO will request credit for this program from the CFP® Board of Standards for CFP® designation holders and from the Ohio Department of Insurance. A general certificate of completion and one for CPA designees who feel the program satisfies their continuing education requirements will also be available. You must be attentive on the webinar for at least 50 minutes of programming to receive credit. There will be periodic questions throughout to confirm attentiveness. 

Reservation Policy – All attendees must register in advance to ensure there is time to receive appropriate webinar login credentials.


Member Non-member
Complete 5-week series (including ethics) $105 $155
Ethics only $65 $105
Any other individual course (not ethics) $25 $35

Prior to each event you will receive Zoom webinar login credentials from


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